The ChE in Context: How Important Are Professional Credentials and Licenses? | AIChE

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The ChE in Context: How Important Are Professional Credentials and Licenses?

The ChE in Context

There is a strong chance that you fall into one of these five categories if you are a professional:

  • you are just starting out in your career
  • you find yourself in early or mid-career
  • you are late in your career or have been laid off
  • you may be considering retirement
  • you are working as a consultant or independently.

At any stage, having a professional credential can improve your career. During the interview process, it might make the difference between being hired and being passed over. A credential can also help you compete for a position or secure a coveted promotion...

If you have been laid off or are considering semi-retirement, you may be thinking about starting your own company. To own an engineering business, there are several essential legal credentials you must obtain to operate lawfully.

Moreover, once you have established your business, credentials may help you distinguish yourself from your competition. We live in a competitive world — throughout your career, you will compete with others in all hiring situations.

Why not acquire additional credentials, certificates, or licenses to outwardly demonstrate your...

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