The ChE in Context: Adjusting to Policy Changes: Full Reversal in Washington, DC | AIChE

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The ChE in Context: Adjusting to Policy Changes: Full Reversal in Washington, DC

The ChE in Context

With this issue, CEP launches a new quarterly column devoted to the chemical engineer in the public realm — both as an agent for societal change and as a participant in the formation of public policy. Pertinent to our first column, AIChE considers government policy and interaction through the Institute’s Public Affairs and Information Committee (PAIC). In the months ahead, we will explore priority issues identified by the PAIC that impact the U.S. and international chemical engineering community, as well as topics related to the work of the Societal Impact Operating Council (SIOC).

To set the stage, we summarize important developments in the U.S. government as the presidency changes hands. Some of AIChE’s members are appalled and some are applauding, but we should all fasten our seat belts!

In November, the Republican Party reclaimed the presidency and retained control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Donald Trump ran on a platform broadly rejecting globalism, current trade agreements, and excessive regulations, promising general deconstruction of existing policies to free business and make room for his vision of encouraging domestic manufacturing. With this deregulation agenda, industry should prepare for a period of uncertainty. Much as in the early years of the Reagan Administration, comprehensive...

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