YPOV: What to Ask During an Interview — and What Questions to Avoid | AIChE

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YPOV: What to Ask During an Interview — and What Questions to Avoid


Interviews are a great way for an employer to get to know more about you and determine whether or not you are right for an open position. However, all too often, young professionals overlook the fact that interviews are also a time to gauge whether they will fit in and find success at the organization. It’s not only a time for the interviewer to ask you questions, it’s also a time for you to ask the interviewer questions. Asking several focused questions can highlight your qualifications, demonstrate confidence, and reinforce your commitment to the job and company.

“Don’t go in unprepared!” says Jonathan Haughton, a subcommittee chair for the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) and a recently hired senior engineer at Savannah River Nuclear Solutions. “Have more questions than you think you’ll need, and have them written down in front of you.”

Keep these four goals in mind to formulate some excellent questions for your next job interview:

1. Understand the job expectations. Start by researching the company and the position prior to your interview. Then, determine a solid description of what you think this job will entail, and ask your interviewer to fill in any blanks. This will show your interviewer that you’ve done your homework.

“Try to ask questions that have the interviewer envisioning you in the position,” suggests...

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