The Refinery of the Future | AIChE

The Refinery of the Future


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 20, 2021


20 minutes

Skill Level




Delek US, an energy company focused on the oil & gas market within the United States, is transforming their business using innovative technologies. This presentation will highlight their vision of “The Refinery of the Future” by how they are managing Risk, AI and Cyber Systems to make their refineries safer, more efficient and sustainable.

This talk will focus on integrating new technologies to provide a comprehensive real-time view for plant operations. The Command Center creates a more responsive environment where the “Connected Worker” is provided enhanced guidance for critical actions. New technologies highlighted in this presentation include autonomous drones, cyber monitoring, turn around management and safety optimization. A digital thread ties all the data streams into one strategic view to drive efficient operations, faster anomaly detection and better data integrity using advanced analytics. Emergency management has also been dramatically improved with real-time optimization of worker location and activity providing a more flexible safe environment with responsive communication to manage workers and guide them safely during a process safety event.

Delek will discuss their vision and will demonstrate the platform with the help of GOARC, a technology partner who is helping develop their concept for the Refinery of the Future.


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