The e-Safetycase – Electronic or Effortless? | AIChE

The e-Safetycase – Electronic or Effortless?


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 20, 2021


20 minutes

Skill Level




An Electronic Safety Case (e-SafetyCase) is an alternative structured approach to safety. The purpose of an e-SafetyCase and the information contained within it remains the same as a traditional Safety Case; to demonstrate risks are reduced As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). However, instead of being a lengthy and complex document, the e-SafetyCase is highly interactive, using clickable links as a means of connecting and navigating the information quickly and easily. Not only does this make it simple, intuitive and user-friendly, but by integrating it with day-to-day operations, it is kept current and evolves with the facility. This ensures there is no disconnect between the safety case and operations; they become one and the same! As a result, the e-SafetyCase not only demonstrates risks are reduced ALARP but it ensures risks are managed ALARP throughout the facility life-cycle; the ultimate goal of any safety management system. If done properly, an effective e-SafetyCase will be so useful and helpful to the workforce that it will naturally evolve hand-in-hand with the facility as routine business. Effortless safety – is that not too good to be true?

This paper will introduce the concept of an e-SafetyCase outlining why, despite being a concept which has been around for some time, it has struggled to gain widespread traction across industry. It will debunk the myths about what an e-SafetyCase is to knock-down the barriers we consider are blocking its widespread use. The majority of the paper will be devoted to demonstrating what an e-SafetyCase looks like using a practical case study, highlighting the significant benefits it delivers to the safe and reliable operation of the facility throughout its lifecycle. In addition, it will demonstrate the flexibility and adaptability of the e-SafetyCase approach to allow the considerable benefits to be realized by any major hazard facility. Finally, it will touch on ground-breaking work being done to further improve the functionality and hence benefits of an e-SafetyCase by blending with wider technological innovations. For example, the integration of virtual and augmented reality to really bring the Safety Case to life through modelling of accident scenarios and emergency response arrangements. Although ambitious, this kind of forward thinking could ultimately change the landscape of safety management in major hazard industries.


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