Chemical Engineering Applications of Web 2.0 | AIChE

Chemical Engineering Applications of Web 2.0


Butner, S., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Nix, P., PDC Corporation

Technology pundit and publisher Tim O'Reilly first coined the term "Web 2.0" in 2004, to describe a convergence of technologies and business models that have had a significant impact on the way we view the World Wide Web. Social Networking sites such as FaceBook and LinkedIn, social bookmarking sites such as, and collaborative content tools such as Wikis and blogs, are all part of this transformation of the web from “top down” information models to “bottom-up” models, where information is built collaboratively by communities of interest. This session will focus on applications of these technologies to problems in chemical engineering and chemical engineering education. Papers and/or posters are invited which address: chemical engineering blogs and wikis; use of social networking applications within the chemical engineering community; use of collaborative bookmarking sites and other Web 2.0 tools within the chemical engineering profession; other applications of Web 2.0 technology to chemical engineering



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