Now Trending: #AIChEYoungProf | AIChE

Now Trending: #AIChEYoungProf

The AIChE Young Professionals Committee (YPC) has gone social! The YPC will begin using #AIChEYoungProf in the buildup the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting and Student Conference and so should YOU!

The YPC will be posting reminders of events, socials and workshops for all the Young Professionals attending the 2014 Annual Meeting. The hashtag is a great way of finding all that information in one place on Facebook and Twitter, especially all the updates on events happening at the conference from peers!​ We also want to hear from you – your experiences, your thoughts, what you are excited about. When posting, be sure to use multiple hashtags - #AIChEYoungProf, #AIChEAnnual and #AIChEStudentConf – so everybody can connect! 

We will use this new hashtag before and during the Annual Meeting and Student Conference and fully intend to keep using it to promote YPC News, meetings, articles, and announcements in the future. 

Be sure to follow @ChEnected on Twitter and ChEnected and AIChE on Facebook for all the latest YPC News.