2017 AIChE Spring Meeting Timeline | AIChE

2017 AIChE Spring Meeting Timeline

Please see below for the timeline for the 2017 AIChE Spring Meeting Call for Abstracts and Technical Program:

May 2, 2016 All sessions entered into Confex.
May 23, 2016 Call for Abstracts opens.
November 21, 2016 Call for Abstracts closes.
December 16, 2016 All papers graded.*
January 6, 2017 Draft schedule is made available.
January 20, 2017 Technical program goes live & registration opens.

Please also visit the Timelines page in the sidebar to view typical deadlines for additional steps.

If you have any questions on the timeline, Confex or the Spring Meeting program, please contact us at programming@aiche.org

* Grading by this date is very important, as the Spring Meeting is two weeks earlier (March 26 - 30, 2017).