Process Safety Leadership in the Emerging Hydrogen Sector | AIChE

Process Safety Leadership in the Emerging Hydrogen Sector


As the world continues the transition to net zero, a number of new, and not so new technologies are being implemented at scale. The application of hydrogen is one such technology. From the traditional chemical and oil and gas sectors, both hydrogen is a well known and used substance. There is a clear understanding of how to design, deploy and maintain the technology. Many companies in these traditional sectors are expanding their application and use of hydrogen, but there are a number of new entrants into this sector. There are substantial hazards in dealing with hydrogen, and this needs to be managed to a tolerable risk level, to ensure that this fuel source remain a viable option in the energy transition and beyond. The traditional sectors have long established process safety systems and leadership activities, but the newer entrants may not have this same level of experience. The endite life cycle of hydrogen must be included in the safety management and use, from hazards associated with manufacturing, through the supply chain and end use applications. Regardless of the life cycle stage an organisation may be working in, leadership is an important element in delivering the necessary culture for safe outcomes. This presentation will look at what is needed from a process safety leadership and culture perspective for the safe manufacture, transport, handling and use of hydrogen for those new to and existing in ,the sector, as well as examine process safety implications of new technologies in this field. It will highlight existing processes that can be adopted and leveraged to deliver the safe outcomes, because effective process safety leadership is a key ingredient for a successful transition to a hydrogen economy.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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