John G. Ekerdt

John G. Ekerdt received the B.S degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin in 1974, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley, California in 1979, all in chemical engineering.
He is currently Associate Dean for Research in Engineering and the Dick Rothwell Endowed Chair in Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He has more than 250 refereed publications, two books and three book chapters, and six U.S. patents. He has supervised 42 Ph.D. and 8 M.S. students. His current research investigates the surface, growth, and materials chemistry of metal, dielectric, and ferroelectric films and silicon nanostructures. The work seeks to develop and understand the reactions and chemistry that control nucleation and growth of films and nanostructures, and understand the properties of these materials and relate the properties to structure, bonding, and growth. The group also studies the kinetics and chemistry of biomass conversion. Ekerdt was recipient of the Charles M.A. Stine Award in Materials Science and Engineering of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and is a Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers.