Matching Gifts

We encourage you to see if you can multiply your impact by finding out if your company offers a matching gift, volunteer grant, or other employee incentive program that provides funds to nonprofit organizations. It takes only a few minutes to further your investment in AIChE.

How do these programs work?

Matching Gifts

Many companies will match their employees’ charitable donations, providing donors an excellent opportunity to increase the impact of their existing gifts while involving their employers in doing a world of good. Employees will also receive recognition from AIChE for these company matches.

Volunteer Grants

Volunteers at nonprofit organizations can secure volunteer grants from their employers for their volunteer service hours. By applying for these volunteer grants, employees would be able to deepen their volunteer involvement at no cost.

Other Incentive Programs

Other company incentive programs may offer employees a certain set of funds to direct to a nonprofit of their choosing (regardless of donor or volunteer status).

Get Involved Today

Check with your employer or visit your workplace intranet to see if your company offers a philanthropic incentive program. Please note that program eligibility requirements and grant amounts will vary by company.

Feel free to reach out to if you have any questions or to let us know to expect a gift from your company!