Disabilities OutReach and Inclusion Community (DORIC)

The Disabilities OutReach and Inclusion Community (DORIC) Fund aims to help students, working professionals, job seekers, those on leave from a job, those who are re-entering the workforce, and family and friends who are allies. Funds will also be used to help raise awareness, provide resources and services, and create opportunities for networking and support to chemical engineers with disabilities and allies.

AIChE is at the forefront among professional engineering societies in terms of inclusion of its members with disabilities. That inclusion consists not only of addressing the needs of those with a history of a disability, but also recognizing the unique capabilities they possess which lead to new levels of innovation and insight into the problems we, as engineers, address.

Give Now

For more information about the program and ways to give, please contact Natalie Krauser, Associate Director of Development, at natak@aiche.org.