Spray Nozzle Selection | AIChE

Spray Nozzle Selection

Spray nozzles are used in thousands of applications in the chemical process industries (CPI). Choosing the optimal spray nozzle among the tens of thousands that are available on the market is daunting. This article will help guide spray nozzle selection by identifying the key characteristics that must be considered before nozzle selection. Understanding the importance of spray drop size, spray kinetic energy, and distribution of liquid flux in a spray will help enable the optimal nozzle choice.

Hydraulic nozzles (single-fluid) and air-atomized nozzles (two-fluid) account for 95% of all spray producing devices used in the CPI. This article will give a brief overview of these two common spray nozzle designs, as well as common classifications, such as spray pattern, spray angle, and energy input. Several common applications of spray systems will be discussed. The article will also explore how the sprayed fluid and nozzle design impacts the drop diameter, drop size distribution, and liquid flux distribution.

The article concludes with a datasheet outline that the reader can use to evaluate the critical parameters that must be considered before purchasing a spray nozzle system.


Spray drying equipment
Spray nozzles
Tablet coating equipment


August, 2014