Improve the Performance of Condensate Return Systems | AIChE

Improve the Performance of Condensate Return Systems

When discussion occurs regarding steam system efficiency and reliability, often the primary focus is the steam supply side; piping leaks, steam trap leaks, and insulation. The conversation may rarely shift to improvement opportunities with the condensate return system, unless significant issues already exist-such as knocking, resultant pipe damage, and high backpressure. Sometimes plant personnel are most concerned with steam supply and the massive heat that it provides to site production, but it can be interesting to consider the impact that a condensate return can have on site efficiency and reliability. 

Although substantial knowledge exists for handling steam, there appears to be less understanding of condensate systems, their design, and the multiple impact factors that affect their performance. This paper is intended to provide insight into these factors, which will help you achieve more reliable performance in your steam system.


Steam traps
Condensate return
Water hammer
Flash steam


November, 2016