Polar Hood | AIChE

Polar Hood

The Polar Hood is specifically designed to be worn with earmuffs, which ensures optimal attenuation for workers exposed to cold climates who also require hearing protection. In typical earmuff-hood configurations, the hood is worn over the earmuffs, which compromises temperature protection, or under the earmuffs, which compromises hearing protection. The Polar Hood has patented side panels to eliminate gaps between the earcup and ear, keeping the wearer warm and allowing a proper acoustic seal. Its weatherproof design provides warmth and protection, making it suitable for use by workers in construction, the oil/gas/petrochemical industry, food production, and other personnel exposed to cold weather. A seal around the face prevents further exposure, and the adjustable design includes a front zipper for ventilation and a foldaway visor. Its bright-green trim enhances visibility and safety outdoors. The Polar Hood is available in small/medium and large/extra large sizes.


Sperian Protection


Hood Helps Protect Hearing And Keeps Workers Warm


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