Improving the Performance of Established PSM Programs | AIChE

Improving the Performance of Established PSM Programs


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 2, 2012


30 minutes

Skill Level




Many facilities have now implemented and maintained PSM programs for 20 years or more, but these facilities continue to have sometimes serious incidents and injuries suggesting a continuing need to improve their PSM performance. Of course, new requirements are often added to upgrade PSM programs, due to near-miss learnings, audit findings, and new Recommended and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEPs), for example, but often overall performance improvements have not occurred or have not achieved the desired level of performance. How can significant performance improvements be obtained? While performance issues at different facilities will certainly vary, this paper provides several key approaches for improving overall PSM performance and for helping prevent injuries and incidents.


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