Implementation of a Highly Toxic Materials Management Program | AIChE

Implementation of a Highly Toxic Materials Management Program


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 2, 2012


30 minutes

Skill Level




Process Safety Management (PSM) is defined as the application of management systems and controls (programs, procedures, audits, evaluations) to a manufacturing or chemical process in a way that process hazards are identified, understood, and controlled so that process-related injuries and incidents are prevented. PSM standards describe what needs to be done, but leaves considerable flexibility to organizations on how to implement. For highly hazardous materials in use at multiple sites across a company, flexibility in implementation of PSM standards can lead to inconsistent procedures and practices resulting in inadequate control in preventing on-site and off-site consequences.

Highly Toxic Materials (HTM) Management is a specification based process that was developed to supplement PSM. It helps ensure that best procedures and practices are implemented to manage the hazards of highly toxic materials. These chemicals, if released, have the potential to result in serious health and environmental issues at very large distances.

This paper addresses the development and implementation of a Highly Toxic Materials Management Process at Reliance Industries Limited. Initial implementation was for three chemicals, including Hydrofluoric Acid, Chlorine, and Hydrogen Cyanide. This paper addresses the development of a HTM governance process with a corporate standard, specification based manuals and audit processes, plus organizational and training requirements. Some specific examples of specification based requirements are offered, and improvements implemented at sites are described in the paper.


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