The Change Accelerator: Integrating Operability and Reliability into Your Culture | AIChE

The Change Accelerator: Integrating Operability and Reliability into Your Culture


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 13, 2016


30 minutes

Skill Level




Abstract Outline

The call to action:  

Investing in systems and structures to improve reliability will not be effective without engaging the organization in the change process.  The diagram below reveals what is needed to successfully bring reliability to operations. 

The Change Accelerator Model:

Topic, Tools and Examples:

The examples provided will describe how the change accelerator model was successfully used in a number of global plants with culturally different organizations.




Leading change begins at the top

Explain leadership alignment, communication plan

Increased capacity in a Ni refinery in Australia

Operation and reliability improvement requires a shared vision with metric

Explain cascading metrics

Uptime improvement and injury reduction in Australia,

First pass yield in USA

Mobilizing commitment

Explain the GRPI model and Leadership alignment

Change process and leadership alignment in the Ni refinery,

Stakeholder analysis in Saudi Arabia

Making reliability last

Explain Poka Yoke and control charts with mitigation plans and cold eyes review

Defect reduction for a batch process in China


Benefits and expected outcomes:

Visible metric mix linking shop floor performance to business results

Sustained operations and higher reliability

Simpler, proven management process

More highly engaged workforce

Key points to remember:

1.       Engaging leaders and the organization is easy with proven tools and techniques.

2.       Our experience allows your efforts to be easier on your people and more effective and sustainable.

3.       This experience is valuable wherever you are in your implementation efforts.


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