Dr. Greg Dipple | AIChE

Dr. Greg Dipple

British Columbia University

Dr. Dipple studies the processes of and driving forces for mineral reactions with a focus on fluid-rock interactions. His research publications span environments from the upper mantle to the near surface. Over the past decade, his primary research interests have migrated from deep crustal metamorphic processes to shallower magmatic-hydrothermal systems and associated mineral deposits to, most recently, carbon sequestration at and near the surface of the Earth. The commonality between these projects is the integration of field data and forward models for heat-mass transport and reaction, and the conscription of appropriate geochemical tracers as monitors of fluid-rock interactions. In support of the latter, he set-up, and now runs the stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry facility within the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research. Recently his research activities have expanded into experimental geochemistry and petrology with the Centre for Experimental Studies of the Lithosphere.