ChEnected Guest

ChEnected Guest

AIChE would like to thank its multiple guest authors for the ChEnected blog. Browse posts below that cover a variety of topics.

ChEnected contributions

What Is CTOC?

. by ChEnected Guest

The Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC) oversees two major efforts on behalf of AIChE and the profession: first, the frontiers of chemical engineering—in other words, knowledge advancement; and second, the dissemination of that knowledge.

YPAB Latest News

. by ChEnected Guest

After a very successful Spring Meeting, YPAB has shifted its focus to working on details for this year’s Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. There are many updates this year. Please see read on for highlights in YPAB News.

AIChE After Graduation

. by ChEnected Guest

The transition from student to professional is not always an easy one. If you are like many student members, you may not be aware of how to fit into AIChE as a professional and what the benefit is for maintaining your involvement.

Business Case for Being a Young Professional in AIChE

. by ChEnected Guest

Today’s careers for chemical engineers are full of decisions regarding how we invest our time. The work-life balance is challenged from the time demanded from our employers. The time we can devote to ourselves for social activities, hobbies, family, and travel is constrained. This lack of balance causes us to ask of activities outside of our careers, “What is the return?”.

Spring Meeting 2012: YP Programming Highlights

. by ChEnected Guest

Young Professionals had a definite presence in Houston at the AIChE Spring Meeting. Regardless of your interests, technical or professional development, the Young Professional Committee co-sponsored, chaired or participated in a session for you.

YPAB Open Positions: Call for YP Volunteers

. by ChEnected Guest

There are currently five Young Professionals Advisory Board (YPAB) subcommittees looking for Young Professionals (YP’s) who are interested in getting more involved. A number of these subcommittees still have leadership positions open, but all of them are looking for YP’s who willing to help to achieve the subcommittee’s goals - please look at the full article to see what opportunities are available!

2012 LSLW Meeting Highlights

. by ChEnected Guest

AIChE held the first annual Local Sections Leaders Workshop (LSLW) on the weekend of March 31 - April 1, 2012 at the University of Houston. The LSLW is a reorganization of the Leadership Development Conference that has been held in past years. Local Section Leaders from across the country came to Houston to develop as Local Section (LS) leaders.

YCOSST at EPA’s P3 Sustainable Design Expo: People, Prosperity, and Planet

. by ChEnected Guest

The P3 Program is a design competition sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency which promotes college students researching sustainable solutions to current and future issues. P3 stands for People, Prosperity and the Planet. Through this EPA program, college students can benefit people, promote prosperity and protect the planet by designing solutions that move us towards a sustainable future.

Spring Meeting YP Service Project

. by ChEnected Guest

During the Spring Meeting, AIChE YPs turned out to clean up the Harrisburg Sunset Trail. The project was also part of the Keep Houston Beautiful initiative. Check out pictures from the event here.

2012 AIChE Annual Meeting

. by ChEnected Guest

The AIChE Annual Meeting is the premier educational forum for chemical engineers interested in innovation and professional growth. A wide range of subjects relevant to latest research and newest technologies in emerging growth areas will be covered.

Spring Meeting YP Mixer

. by ChEnected Guest

Thank you to all the Young Professionals (YP) who attended this year’s Spring Meeting Mixer. We had a great turnout of sixty YPs that are eager to get “Chenected” with the organization and more involved!
