John Vasko

John Vasko

John Vasko is responsible for AIChE's online community and content. John works with constituents to create compelling content that serves members and visitors to,, and numerous other sites. He specializes in creating content strategies, digital product development, and social media campaigns. He has more than 20 years' experience working and consulting with companies to develop and improve their digital media brands.

ChEnected contributions

Can We Teach Ourselves? Sugata Mitra and Minimally Invasive Education.

. by John Vasko

This is a question that Sugata Mitra, a professor and scientist set out to answer based on the premise that there are places on earth, in every country, where, for various reasons, good schools cannot be built and good teachers cannot or do not want to go.

This fascinating video shows highlights of the experiments conducted in India, South Africa, and Italy.

Juice Up Your Electronics, Literally

. by John Vasko

Imagine you're on a backpacking trip high atop the Sierra Nevadas. You were dying to test out your amateur photography skills but in the rush of getting ready for the trip, you forgot to charge the camera's battery.

Now you'll have to ask someone else to share their photos, but they won't be as good as yours. And they may not even get around to sending them to you. But did bring that Mountain Dew!
