Path to Sustainability: Thoughts from the Grand Canyon
In part one of a series on sustainability, CEP editor Cindy Mascone shares thoughts and observations about water resources and the environment that were inspired by a recent trip to the Grand Canyon.
AIChE’s Path to Sustainability
AIChE is working towards sustainability on multiple fronts. It has formed the International Society for Water Solutions (ISWS) and the Association's Institute for Sustainability (IfS) has created the AIChE Sustainability Index, which companies can use to benchmark their sustainability performance. You'll also notice changes this year at the Annual Meeting, with the aim of a more sustainable gathering in Pittsburgh.
A ChE’s Path to Sustainability
Through our work as chemical engineers, we have the potential to make significant positive impacts on sustainability. There’s also much we can do as individuals. Read on for thoughts on reducing your carbon footprint at work.
Alternative Paths to Sustainability
In the most recent editorial in the series, Cindy Mascone looks at sports and the efforts the industry is making towards sustainability.