This series highlights the learning that new ChE professionals need that isn’t taught in school. They’ll describe the types of responsibilities they've had in their work to date, as well as the skills or expertise they needed or had to learn that go beyond what they learned as students. You’ll also hear from their mentor or a senior person offering their perspective on the skills or expertise that new professionals must learn.
The Second Phase of ChE Education
What you learn in a ChE degree program is powerful—but once we start work, every chemical engineer finds out they need to learn even more.
Second Phase of Education: Mariam Al-Meer at Shell in Qatar
Learn about one young chemical engineer's career at the Pearl GTL plant and about what she's had to learn on the job.
Second Phase of Education: Lane Daley at Eastman Chemical in Kingsport
Hear from Lane Daley, a process improvement engineer at Eastman Chemical, and her mentor, Eastman Chemical staff engineer Josh Keller, to learn about the second phase of chemical engineering education.