Competition was fierce at the 2014 Chem-E-Car Finals in Atlanta. In this series, you'll find photos and stats for the finals.
Chem-E-Car Competitors at the 2014 Annual Student Conference
The 2014 Annual Student Conference Chem-E-Car Competition® starts Sunday, November 16 AT 1:30 pm. This year's competition is being held at the Ken Byers Tennis Complex at Georgia Tech.
Utah Takes Top Prize in 2014 Annual Student Conference Chem-E-Car
Taking place on the campus of Georgia Tech, the 2014 ASC Chem-E-Car Competition® was one of the most exciting competitions in the event's recent history.
2014 Official Chem-E-Car Video: University of Utah’s “Helena Handbasket” Takes 1st Place
Hear from the 2014 winning team, University of Utah! In addition, AIChE's Executive Director June Wispelwey and Past President Scott Folger talk about how chemical engineering students benefit from this hands-on competition. Chem-E-Car took place Sunday, November 16, 2014 in Atlanta.
2014 ASC Chem-E-Car Competition in Action [photos]
Photo highlights from the Chem-E-Car finals in Atlanta. Can you spot your university's team?