November 2020 Featured Engage Discussions

There are some great discussions happening on AIChE Engage's Discussion Central and Student Central. If you haven't yet participated, hop on over and share your opinions, or just have a look.

Discussion Central

Please note only professional members can post in Discussion Central.

Cultivating successful habits

Julianne Holloway asks others about their daily habits, and whether they follow a daily or weekly deep-work routine. In particular, she's interested in how people cultivate successful habits and dedicate time to thinking deeply about research, including brainstorming new ideas.

Any particular tricks or practices you have, or care to share approaches you've tried? 

Share your recommendation.

Overall efficiency of gasoline cars vs. electric cars

Considering taking the plunge and going electric, or have experience you can share? Georg Christensen asks about overall efficiency, and several AIChE members chime in with interesting input, including discussions on total cost of ownership, greenhouse gas emissions per passenger-mile, and other factors.

What's your experience with electric cars' efficiency? 

Share your experience.

Start a new discussion!

The Engage Discussion Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation.

Join the discussion.

Student Central

Please note only student members can post in Student Central.

Organizing a virtual conference

Pranjal Maheshwari is looking for an expert in DWSIM who can deliver an interactive session for his local AIChE Student Chapter. Have any leads? 

Share your suggestions.

Start a new discussion!

The Engage Student Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation.

Join the discussion.