Meet Weida Zhang – Featured YP for February 2015


Where are you from?

Queens, New York

What company/institution do you work for?

Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation

Where did you complete/are you completing your chemical engineering education?

Stony Brook University

How many years have you been a member of AIChE?


Describe a recent challenge you managed, notable achievement, or obstacle you overcame at your job or in your work as an AIChE member. 

A few months ago I got an amazing opportunity to attend the 2014 national conference for my committee. While I was there, I got the chance to speak for some of the sessions that the Young Professionals Committee was hosting. Being able to speak to an audience of members, as well as putting faces to everyone's names and voices, was an amazing opportunity. Having a chance to communicate what each member's goals are has helped to set in motion improvements to AIChE.

What do you do to meet people in your field?

For physically seeing other ChemEs on a regular basis, AIChE local sections are a great place to start. If I want to reach out further, I look to committees and forums within the organization.

There are two types of ChemEs… those who_______ and those who ________.

Those who chose ChemE and those who were chosen by ChemE



What’s the first thought you have when you wake up in the morning?

This bed wasn't this comfortable when I went to sleep.

If your first and last initials stood for something other than your name, what would that be?

Tungsten Zanium

If your college had offered a class on real-life skills for the aspiring ChE, what would you want them to teach?

Cooking for ChemEs. If you can follow a procedure you can follow a recipe.

If you weren’t a ChE what would you most want to be?

Being a rock star seems pretty fun.

What don’t most people know about you?

I used to be a certified lifeguard.

How many ChEs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Three. One to write the procedure, one to perform it, and one to supervise.

You can contact Weida through his LinkedIn profile