The Detective | AIChE

The Detective

The Detective is a free-standing, transportable gas detector and alarm unit that provides protection wherever there are shortterm hazards, such as during annual maintenance turnarounds. The unit can be used individually or in groups to monitor up to four gases at once. If a dangerous gas level is detected, the unit warns with a wailing 101-dB siren and flashing, high-intensity LED beacons visible from any direction. The Detective’s distinctive design incorporates a sturdy tripod that keeps the gas sensors raised above obstructions and away from surface water. An integral safety cage gives extra protection in the event of the unit being overturned. Sensors are available for oxygen, flammable gas and all toxic gases commonly encountered in industry. The Detective is intrinsically safe and protected against water and dust ingress. Power is provided by a sealed 6-V rechargeable battery giving up to 24 hours of continuous monitoring in quiescent mode.


Crowcon Detection Instruments


Portable Gas Monitors Go Wherever Hazards Are


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