General Interest

AIChE Responds to COVID-19

. by Gordon Ellis

Learn about the many ways we've adapted to continue providing the many services and resources you need to remain productive, whether you're an engineering professional, academic, or student. 

Deciphering the Coronavirus

. by Cynthia Mascone

Want to help? Even small efforts add up, such as when multitudes of gamers try their luck at protein folding solutions, or unused computing power joins the fight against COVID-19. Learn how you can help.

Smooth the Transition to the Home Office

. by Douglas B. Clark

After 20 years of working from home, I've noticed that faulty communication is often the culprit when something goes wrong. Reassess your communication strengths and weaknesses to make working from home easier.   

December 2019 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

Think low pressure means low risk? Think again! Looking for ways to reduce distillation column energy requirements? We've got smart tips. These topics and much more in the December 2019 issue.

The Periodic Table Turns 150

. by Douglas B. Clark

This milestone of chemistry marked its 150th birthday this month. Read about the earliest existing copies, learn who's in charge of the current official version, and more.

Moving to Mars

. by Joshua Flader

Headlines boast liquid water, potential for life, and successful unmanned missions, but manned travel to Mars will require an enormous amount of work—and many chemical engineers.

Share Your Input for AIChE's Strategic Plan

. by June C. Wispelwey

AIChE is developing a new strategic plan — with the aim of guiding the Institute toward success in the 21st century. AIChE is seeking input from current members, potential future members, and stakeholders. Complete the survey by March 30, 2018.

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