Virginia Tech Wins H. Scott Fogler 1st Place Award in 2019 Chem-E-Car Competition®

The student team from Virginia Tech (shown above) clinched the top trophy in the 2019 Annual Student Conference Chem-E-Car Competition® finals, winning with a distance of 9 cm. The target distance was 25 m and the required load was 450 ml of water.

The second place winner was the Missouri University of Science and Technology, followed by the University of North Alabama, City College of New York, and NTU of Athens. See the final run results.

Missouri University of Science and Technology, second place for performance

University of North Alabama, third place for performance


The winners of the poster competition were University of Colorado Boulder, Kansas State University, University of Pittsburgh, Rutgers University, and Texas Tech.

The award for the best team name went to the Centro Uni Senai CIMATEC. Their team name was "AvaCar."

The Golden Tire Award went to Kansas State University. The most creative drive system plaque was awarded to Texas Tech, and the SAChE Safety Award to Virginia Tech.

Missouri University of Science & Technology was awarded a plaque for the most consistent performance (0.19m and 0.25m), and the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez won the Spirit of Competition Award. The award for best video went to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Rutgers University received the award for outstanding sportsmanship.