Make an Impact in the Developing World Using Your Engineering Skills [Presentation]

EWB-USA On Location

Wondering how you can use your skills to make a difference?

In the past 8 years, Engineers Without Borders-USA has grown to 10,000 engineers and engineering students dedicated to sustainable projects across the globe. AIChE and EWB-USA are working together in this effort with AIChE member John Cirucci, a founder and Past President of his local EWB-USA Professional Chapter.

In addition to his efforts with EWB, John works on renewable energy process development as a Senior Engineering Associate for Air Products, Inc. He is also the Chair of the Societal Impact Operating Council of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, with accountability for Global Outreach, K-12 Outreach, Government Relations, Minority Affairs, and Women's Initiatives. His EWB-USA efforts include projects in Sierra Leon, Honduras, and mentoring a student chapter of EWB at alma matar, Lehigh University.

On September 15, John will present a ChemE On Demand Webinar entitled: Engineers Without Borders - USA: Chemical Engineers Can Make an Impact in the Developing World.

In the presentation, you'll learn more about EWB-USA's mission, success stories, and opportunities for participation, supporting efforts such as:

  • technical design
  • technical review
  • organizational leadership
  • project management
  • cultural assessment and language skills
  • student mentorship

Below is a glimpse into John Cirucci's presentation. You can register view the LIVE Webinar on ChemE On Demand Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.

Have you ever considered working with Engineers Without Borders?