Particle and Nanoparticle Functionalization for Reaction and Separation Processing I
World Congress on Particle Technology
8th World Congress on Particle Technology
Particle & Nanoparticle Functionalization
Crystal Ballroom N
Orlando World Center Marriott
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Particle, nanoparticle and their functionalized analogues have made a significant impact on mainstream research and have become ubiquitous materials for absorption, adsorption/ separations (gas, liquids etc.,), sensing, filtration and energy storage/conversion. Understanding relationship between particle and nanoparticle synthesis, processing, and performance in such materials remains a challenge. Experimental and computational contributions are both of interest. Topics include, but are not limited to: 1) Functionalization of nanomaterials including inorganic, hybrid particles (MOFs) , carbons and polymer-based materials; 2) Novel synthetic approaches, hybridization/processing strategies; 3) State of the art applications of functionalized nanoparticles in separations, energy harvesting, conversion and storage
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