Interview: Lynn Orr of the DOE on the Quadrennial Technology Review

Dr. Franklin (Lynn) Orr is the undersecretary for science and energy (U.S. DOE) on the 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review. The 2015 QTR explores the rapidly evolving nature of energy technology and scientific capability to address the economic, environmental, and security challenges that the United States faces.

2016 AIChE president-elect, Bond Calloway is an Associate Laboratory Director at Savannah River National Laboratory. Bond and Lynn had a chance to sit down and chat about the Quadrennial Technology Review and its implications for chemical engineers. 

Released in September 2015, the Innovating Clean Energy Technologies in Advanced Manufacturing chapter of the QTR 2015 is of particular interest to chemical engineers. The DOE is considering funding for manufacturing institutes or hubs in the various technology areas.

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