Modeling and Simulation of Bulk Solids and Granular Systems | AIChE

Modeling and Simulation of Bulk Solids and Granular Systems


Garcia-Trinanes, P., University of Greenwich

"Modeling and Simulation of Bulk Solids and Granular Systems” will focus on scientific development and industrial applications of computational models for simulation of bulk solids and granular systems. The computational models will include following: * Lagrangian (e.g. DEM, SPH) and Eulerian approaches (e.g. LBM, CFD) * Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches (e.g. DEM-CFD, MPM) * Eulerian-Eulerian approaches (e.g. TFM) * Constitutive modelling and micro-macro relationships * Population balance models * Flow-sheet modelling Novel modelling approaches where combinations of the above are applied are also welcome.



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