(99b) DEM Simulation of Aggregates Formation in Granular Shear Flow
World Congress on Particle Technology
8th World Congress on Particle Technology
Handling & Processing of Granular Systems
Discrete Element Modeling of Cohesive Materials
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - 1:52pm to 2:14pm
The results of the linear model show that the relation between the shear rate and the maximum size of aggregates is well described by the dynamic adhesion/cohesion model proposed by Kobayashi et al. [2]. It means that the development of aggregation in granular shear flow can be scaled by the critical collision velocity that characterizes the rebound/sticking behavior of collision between a couple of particles. It is found that the results predicted by the JKR model agree well with those by the linear model.
[1] Johnson, K.L., Kendall, K., Roberts, A.D., Proc. R. Soc. London, A 324 (1971) 301-313.
[2] Lees, A.W., Edwards, S.F., J, Phys. C: Solid State Phys., 5 (1972) 1921-1929.
[3] Kobayashi, T., Tanaka, T., Shimada, N., Kawaguchi, T., Powder Technol., 248, (2013) 143-152.