(199b) Immersive Introduction to Iot | AIChE

(199b) Immersive Introduction to Iot


2018 Spring Meeting

Introduction to IoT

Joel Berg

The MathWorks, Inc.



You’ve heard of the “Internet of Things” (IoT), and have a notion of
it, but what is it really?  And how many
presentations do you attend where the speaker actually asks
you to turn on and use your phone?!

This talk will begin with a short overview of some common building
blocks in IoT architecture, including sensing and measurement devices, wireless
communications, cloud-based data aggregation, real-time model updating, and
decision/action rules taken by cyber or physical actors.

Now the fun starts, with the presentation becoming more of a group
“event.”  We will describe a
process-oriented scenario, and ask audience members with smartphones to
participate as actors within a living, cyber-physical model.  Dynamic information will be shown and
continuously updated on the main screen, and participants will play active
roles according to signals they are seeing displayed and a brief set of
instructions, by way of their devices (smartphones).  The aggregated inputs of the audience will
govern the system state evolution, which will also be displayed.  The event will end with a short discussion and
inventory of observations and insights deriving from the demonstration.

The objectives of this talk/event are to educate attendees about IoT,
introduce the ThingSpeak® platform, provoke discussions
about IoT use cases, and, last but not least, have
some fun.