Measuring and Modeling the Response of Particle Systems - II | AIChE

Measuring and Modeling the Response of Particle Systems - II


Sukumaran, B., Rowan University


Pitchumani, B., Indian Instt of Technology

Bulk solids flow characterization and modeling still poses a challenge as these flow regimes involve both friction and collision. Bulk solids also can have varying shapes and sizes, which can make characterization and modeling difficult especially if fracture/fragmentation also occurs during the flow or loading regimes. This session would welcome papers that address: •Effect of size, shape and moisture on flow properties of powders. •Experimental methods for the estimation of residence time distribution of particles flowing from a storage silo. •Various experimental techniques for powder characterization. •Modeling techniques that address multi-particle interactions between particles of varying shapes. •Solid fracture/fragmentation modeling strategies or image characterization of fracture/fragmentation mechanisms. •Bulk solids characterization using imaging techniques, which serve as inputs or provide validation of the modeling approach.



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