Structure and Properties in Polymers | AIChE

Structure and Properties in Polymers


Orbey, N., University of Massachusetts Lowell


Kalra, V., Drexel University
Lee, S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Robertson, M., University of Houston

This session seeks papers covering both experimental and theoretical aspects of polymers, with a focus on relating dynamics, structure, processsing, and properties of homopolymers in their glassy, amorphous or semi-crystalline state. We additionally seek papers covering both experimental and theoretical aspects of polymers, with a focus on relating dynamics, structure, processing, and properties of blends and copolymers. ***Note to faculty candidates: please include a note to the session chair during submission to alert them to your status*** +++Note: this session will be sorted jointly with Mechanics and Structure in Polymers. Authors may submit to either session.+++



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