(56f) Entmoot: A Framework for Optimization over Ensemble Tree Models
AIChE Annual Meeting
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
Computing and Systems Technology Division
Division Plenary Part 3: CAST (Invited Talks)
Friday, November 20, 2020 - 7:42am to 7:50am
Using data-driven models as surrogates for mechanistic models in optimization settings is becoming increasingly popular [Bhosekar and Ierapetritou, 2018; Ning and You, 2017]. Successful applications of such surrogate models use algebraic equations [Boukouvala and Floudas, 2017; Wilson and Sahinidis, 2017], artificial neural networks [Henao and Maravelias, 2011; Schweidtmann and Mitsos, 2019], Gaussian processes [Palma and Realff, 2002; Davis and Ierapetritou, 2007; Caballero and Grossmann, 2008; Olofsson et al., 2019] and gradient boosted trees [MiÅ¡iÄ 2017; Mistry et al., 2018].
We present the ENsemble Tree MOdel Optimization Tool (ENTMOOT) [Thebelt et al., 2020] which provides (i) strong regression performance, (ii) reliable model uncertainty quantification, (iii) natural support of discrete and categorical features, (iv) mathematically proven -global optimal solutions of the underlying acquisition function and (v) support for hard constraints. ENTMOOT uses gradient boosted trees [Friedman, 2001; Friedman, 2002], a well-established machine learning architecture that can effectively handle sparse data and naturally support discrete and categorical features. ENTMOOT encodes gradient boosted trees as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) according to MiÅ¡iÄ (2017). A distance-based model uncertainty measure captures the prediction performance of the surrogate model and identifies its weaknesses. ENTMOOT derives an acquisition function to trade-off the objective captured in the surrogate model and the model uncertainty.
We distinguish between two related applications: (1) optimal decision-making under uncertainty and (2) black-box optimization. Optimal decision-making uses surrogate models to approximate physical systems, e.g. the behavior of a manufacturing unit, and includes such models into larger optimization problems. Model-based black-box optimization trains surrogate models to guide sequential evaluations of the black-box to determine its optimum, e.g. propose new promising catalyst compositions to maximize reaction yield. ENTMOOT captures these modes in the acquisition function by either penalizing model uncertainty deriving optimal solutions where we expect good model performance, or incentivizing model uncertainty to efficiently explore promising areas of the feature space. The resulting mixed-integer nonlinear program (MINLP) is convex for the optimal decision-making and nonconvex for black-box optimization depending on how the distance-based uncertainty measure contributes to the objective function.
Both MINLP formulations are internally optimized by the third-party software tool Gurobi 9, providing -global optimal solutions and capturing the best trade-off between model uncertainty and predicted performance as intended in the acquisition function. Moreover, the MINLP can be extended with additional hard constraints to include safety related restrictions or existing physical domain knowledge enhancing the underlying data-driven model. Other approaches using tree-based models for model-based black-box optimization often rely on stochastic optimization techniques [B. Shahriari, 2016], and thereby fail to provide -global optimal solutions of the acquisition function and satisfy additional constraints.
In an extensive numerical study, we compare ENTMOOTâs performance with scikit-optimize, a popular library for Bayesian optimization using gradient boosted trees and Gaussian processes. We test ENTMOOTâs performance on a set of 14 black-box functions, including global optimization benchmark functions [S. Surjanovic and D. Bingham, 2020] and a fermentation model. In particular, the study shows: (i) ENTMOOTâs distance-based measure comparing well against other tree-model uncertainty measures, (ii) global optimization techniques becoming increasingly important for high-dimensional problems, and (iii) the ENTMOOT approach competing well against state-of-the-art Bayesian optimization frameworks using Gaussian processes.
ENTMOOT is an attractive framework to effectively handle sparse data in high-dimensional settings for optimal decision-making under uncertainty and black-box optimization to propose new promising data points to enhance system knowledge.
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