Page 2 - CCPS Monograph - Refletions of Global Process Safety Leaders
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CCPS Monograph:

                                  Reflections from Global Process Safety Leaders
                                           During and Following Pandemics

               Best practices for managing process safety: Presented by a select panel of leaders


               On April 8, CCPS and its member companies published the monograph, “Risk Based Process Safety
               During Disruptive Times” to address how to conduct process safety in difficult times, such as the
               COVID‐19 pandemic. CCPS extends thanks to Ramesh Harrylal, who initiated the idea of the
               monograph in early April, and then led the team that developed the first monograph.

               On 4 May 2020 the CCPS convened a panel to discuss how companies are following some of the
               guidance, and to share the best practices from some of the CCPS member companies.

               This document was developed using the information collected during the April panel. The focus of
               this monograph is on process safety, as there are numerous other resources available covering
               occupational health and personal safety. The CCPS appreciates the hard work of the panelists who
               prepared and presented the content included in this monograph.

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