Open Vectoreditor: Freely Open-Source Javascript Web Application for DNA Visualization, Annotation, and Editing
Synthetic Biology Engineering Evolution Design SEED
2016 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED)
Poster Session
Accepted Posters
Open VectorEditor is a web application for the visualization, editing,
and annotation of DNA sequences. It offers features typical of DNA
sequence editors, including virtual restriction enzyme digest
gel-electrophoresis visualization, melting temperature calculation,
and support for (and inter-conversion between) several DNA sequence
file formats (including FASTA, Genbank, and SBOL).
Recently, we have rewritten VectorEditor from the ground up, starting from an Adobe
Flash implementation, to a modern javascript web application framework
(React / Cerebral / Baobab), ensuring VectorEditor's longevity and
enabling its maintenance and continuous development. Additional
benefits of the new javascript implementation include
touchscreen-friendly features and accessibility for mobile device
users, which are increasingly relevant as researchers begin to more
commonly use tablets in the wet lab for experiment protocol display
and lab book note-taking.
The new VectorEditor javascript code-base
remains freely available as an open source project (under a liberal
BSD license), and any user can customize the interface for their own
organization's needs, use VectorEditor as a standalone tool, or embed
it into other web applications.