CRISPR Genetic Circuits for Genome Control and Interfacing | AIChE

CRISPR Genetic Circuits for Genome Control and Interfacing


Genetic reprogramming of cell fate and function requires complex control of the genome. Rationally designed synthetic circuits provide an invaluable approach to both rewire and interrogate the endogenous host network. We have developed the bacterial CRISPR immune system as a toolkit for sequence-specific transcriptional activation or repression of genes in diverse organisms including both bacterial and eukaryotic cells. We show that the basic CRISPR and CRISPRi tools can be further designed to carry out more sophisticated control to modulate multi-gene network. For example, using combinations of RNA codes, the CRISPRi tools enables switchable control of branched metabolite pathways. Here I will talk about the basic CRISPR tools for synthetic biology, the uses for constructing complex genetic circuits, and its uses for understanding biology.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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