2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
2025 AIChE Annual Meeting November 2-6, 2025 John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center, Marriott Copley Place, Sheraton Back Bay | Boston, MA
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Yubing Xie Citation name Xie, Y. Affiliation The University at Albany State NY Country USA Authored(567a) Assembly of Embryonic Stem Cell/Scaffold Three-Dimensional Constructs Using Carbon Dioxide Assisted Polymer FusionYubing XieYong YangXihai KangL. James LeeDouglas A. Kniss2006 Annual Meeting (579e) Three-Dimensional Assembly of Biomedical Micro/Nanodevices Containing Cells/Biomolecules Using Carbon DioxideYong YangYubing XieXihai KangL. James LeeDouglas A. Kniss2006 Annual Meeting (439c) Gene and Drug Delivery to Mammalian Cells through Membrane Sandwiched ElectroporationZhengzheng FeiYubing XieYihua LooKam W. LeongShengnian WangChee Guan KohL. James LeeBrian E. Henslee2006 Annual Meeting (5an) Cellular Engineering: from Micro-/Nanoscale Technologies to Cell FunctionYubing Xie2006 Annual Meeting (175g) Gene Delivery to Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Microfluidic Assembled NanocomplexesChee Guan KohXihai KangYubing XieL. James LeeBo Yu2007 Annual Meeting (233e) In Vitro Gene Delivery through Membrane Sandwich ElectroporationZhengzheng FeiShengnian WangBrian E. HensleeL. James LeeYubing Xie2007 Annual Meeting Associated proceedings 2006 Annual Meeting 2007 Annual Meeting