Uttam Kumar | AIChE

Uttam Kumar

Citation name

Kumar, U.

Mr Uttam Kumar is currently pursuing PhD at the Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras. He has been working on biofilm formation on solid substratum and bacterial migration in porous media. This project aims to develop a mathematical model based on multiphase approach to predict bacteria biofilm expansion and front instability in bacterial colony forming. He has also analysed an autocatalytic subdiffusive system which are governed by fractional order PDE. In this work, he has investigated the effect of subdiffusion on the stability of steady-states of the system. He has developed a methodology to determine regions where Turning patterns can be observed in parameter space. During his M.Tech at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Jais, he has worked on process intensification methods. He has developed a cost-effective fabrication method for PDMS based microreactor. He has won the national award for best MTech thesis in chemical engineering 2018 (NSTE).

Associated proceedings 

2022 Annual Meeting