2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Stephen E. Zitney Citation name Zitney, S. E. Affiliation National Energy Technology Laboratory State WV Country USA Authored(389a) Accelerating Progress Toward Operational Excellence of Fossil Energy Plants with CO2 CaptureStephen E. ZitneyEric A. LiesePriyadarshi MahapatraRichard TurtonDebangsu Bhattacharyya2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (529b) CFD Modeling of Commercial-Scale Entrained-Flow Coal GasifiersJinliang MaStephen E. Zitney2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (362g) Enforcing Elemental Mass and Energy Balances for Reduced Order Models Generated From CFD SimulationsJinliang MaChristopher J. MontgomeryKhushbu AgarwalPoorva SharmaYi-dong LangDavid E. HuckabyStephen E. ZitneyDeb AgarwalIan Gorton2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (293b) Advanced Regulatory Control and Coordinated Plant-Wide Control Strategies for IGCC Targeted towards Improving Power Ramp-RatesPriyadarshi MahapatraStephen E. Zitney2012 AIChE Annual Meeting Associated proceedings 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting