Siauw H. Ng | AIChE

Siauw H. Ng

Citation name

Ng, S. H.







Dr. Siauw Ng is a principal scientist in the public service of Canada. He has been devoted to oil-sands-oriented research for most of his 30-year career at the Department of Natural Resources Canada. Canada’s future energy depends on oil sands, which accounted for 50% of Canadian oil production in 2010. Dr. Ng’s most recent research on oil sands has been focused on the reduction of environmental greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In addition, his research has also involved production of petrochemical feedstocks through deep catalytic cracking/pyrolysis and microwave-assisted processing of oil sand bitumen. His significant technology developments and advancements were highly appreciated by industrial clients and scientific and academic communities. In recognition of his achievements, he was granted numerous distinguished awards. Prior to his employment with federal government, he served 11 years in iron ore industry.

Associated proceedings 

2010 Annual Meeting
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting