Sachin Nimbalkar | AIChE

Sachin Nimbalkar

Citation name

Nimbalkar, S.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory





Sachin began his career at ORNL in 2009 with the Advanced Manufacturing Office’s Technical Assistance program, which encompasses the Better Plants Program as well as technical assistance to industry in which he is a Technical Account Manager (TAM). As a TAM, he engages industries such as ArcelorMittal, Novelis, General Motors, Ford Motors, Navistar International, Volvo, and others, providing technical and analytical support for the development of industrial energy efficiency software tools for industrial plant applications. He also serves as the Joint Faculty Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Tennessee. He received his Master of Science and Doctorate degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Rutgers University, New Jersey in 2005 and 2009, respectively.

Associated proceedings 

9th Southwest Process Technology Conference