2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Qian Xu Citation name Xu, Q. Affiliation University of California, Riverside State CA Country USA Authored(342g) Detecting Low Abundance Proteins in Skinned Cardiac MyofibrilsAldrin V. GomesRylie SiuQian XuShannamar DeweySusan Nguyen2009 Annual Meeting (525c) Synthesis of Freestanding Metal-Platinum Core-Shell Structure with Well Defined Facets As Electro-Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction ReactionYanqi ZhangYushan YanQian Xu2011 Annual Meeting (19d) Platinum Thin-Coated Palladium Nanotubes for the Oxygen Reduction ReactionShaun AliaKurt JensenYushan YanYanqi ZhangQian XuChristian Contreras2010 Annual Meeting (91b) Gold Stabilized Platinum and Palladium NanotubesShaun AliaQian XuYanqi ZhangKurt JensenChristian ContrerasYushan Yan2010 Annual Meeting (705f) Copper Templated Platinum Nanotubes as Oxygen Reducing ElectrocatalystsShaun AliaYanqi ZhangQian XuKurt JensenChristian ContrerasYushan Yan2010 Annual Meeting Associated proceedings 2009 Annual Meeting 2011 Annual Meeting 2010 Annual Meeting