Pol Hoorelbeke | AIChE

Pol Hoorelbeke

Citation name

Hoorelbeke, P.





Sessions chaired or co-chaired

Big Data and Process Safety - Lagging Indicators2018 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
Day 2 Keynote2017 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
EPSC Welcome2016 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
Inspection and equipment monitoring2016 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
KEYNOTES session2019 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
Keynote 32019 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
Keynote 4 (Virtual presentation)2019 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
Keynote Session 22021 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
Keynote Session 22022 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data
Session 4: Big Data Analytics and Standards & Methods2023 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data


Big Data Analytics at TOTAL2017 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
Day 2 Welcome Address2019 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
WELCOME ADDRESS2022 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data
Welcome Address2023 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data

Associated proceedings 

2011 Spring Meeting & 7th Global Congress on Process Safety
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
2018 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
2017 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
2016 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
2019 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS
2021 European Conference on Process Safety & Big Data
2022 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data
2023 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data