Marco Mazzotti
Mazzotti, M.
ETH Zurich
Marco Mazzotti, an Italian and Swiss citizen born in 1960, married, with two children, has been professor of process engineering at ETH Zurich since May 1997. He was President of the International Adsorption Society (2010–2013), and chairman of the Board of the Energy Science Center of the ETH Zurich (2011-2017). He is Chairman of the Working Party on Crystallization of the EFCE (since 1.07.2014). He was a contributor to the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He received an honorary doctorate from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany (2014). He was awarded a European Research Council Advanced Grant towards „Studying secondary nucleation for the intensification of continuous crystallization“ (2018-2023). As of September 2020, he has published more than 350 papers. Forty-seven doctoral students have graduated with him and twenty-two doctoral students are currently advised by him.