Maotang Zhou | AIChE

Maotang Zhou

Citation name

Zhou, M.







Dr. Maotang Zhou is currently a Branch Chief at FDA’s Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ) where he oversees a group of review scientists in the assessment of chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) of new drug applications (NDAs), investigational new drug applications (INDs) and abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) seeking approval in the US market. Dr. Zhou started his FDA career in 2008 as a CMC Reviewer in the former Office of New Drug Quality Assessment (ONDQA), where he evaluated numerous INDs, NDAs, DMFs, and meeting packages. Dr. Zhou transitioned to OPMA (previously OPF) in 2015 as part of the FDA’s OPQ reorganization. Prior to joining FDA, Dr. Zhou was a vice president at Chiral Quest where he oversaw the firm’s R&D organization in developing API commercial manufacturing processes. He also worked at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for three years and Bristol-Myers Squibb for eight years.

Associated proceedings 

2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting